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AP Psych Free Response Questions College Board: How to Ace the Exam with Sample Responses


The AP Psychology exam has one of the lower average scores of all AP exams. However, if you know how to prepare, it can actually be one of the easier AP exams to take. Reading this guide will make you an expert on the AP Psych free-response section. By the end of this article, you'll know exactly what the format of the free-response section is, what types of questions you'll be asked, what graders will be looking for in your answers, and the best tips for studying for AP Psych FRQ.

ap psych free response questions college board

The AP Psychology free-response section is the second and final section of the AP Psych exam. You'll answer free-response questions after the multiple-choice section ends. The AP Psych FRQ section lasts 50 minutes and consists of two questions.

Below are two examples of the types of free-response questions you'll see on the AP Psych exam. For each of these AP Psychology FRQ examples we'll go through the answers so you can see exactly how points are earned. Both sample questions come from the second sitting of the 2021 AP Psych exam.

As we mentioned above, this question, like all AP Psychology free-response questions, is worth seven points. You might notice there are seven bullet points to answer which makes it easy to see just where you can earn each point!

Be meticulous about going over all the terms covered in your class so that you don't second-guess yourself on the test. This is especially important for the Concept Application free-response question for which you will be asked to describe how terms relate to certain situations. You need to understand the terms beyond just the ability to pick their correct definitions out of a multiple-choice lineup. Flashcards are a particularly useful study tool for AP Psychology.

Right in the official scoring guidelines for the AP Psychology free-response questions is the following statement: "The response must apply the concept to the prompt; a definition alone will not earn the point." This is a key point that many AP Psych students overlook. For example, for the first sample question above, simply stating the definitions of motor cortex, algorithm, reciprocity norm, etc. won't earn you any points. You must always relate them back to the question and, in this case, how they relate to Damian and his behavior. The AP Psych FRQs require more than just regurgitating vocab definitions; you must always connect it back to the question itself.

You can know all about the format and types of questions you'll see on AP Psychology FRQ, but the way to really test and improve your skills is by answering practice problems. Doing so helps you become even more familiar with free response types and helps you see more clearly which types of questions are easy for you and which you need to study more.

Choosing high-quality practice questions is key to ensuring you're really practicing what you'll be seeing on the exam. Fortunately, the College Board (who designs AP exams) has dozens of old, official AP Psych free-response questions easily available.

Currently, the College Board has AP Psychology FRQ from 2021 as well as 1999-2019. That's dozens of free-response questions for you to review and try out! The AP Psych exam was updated in 2019, so we recommend focusing on the most recent FRQ, but the free-response question format and topics didn't change all that much, so even older AP Psych FRQ answers and sample questions are still valuable.

AP Psychology free-response questions are often the most challenging part of the AP exam. However, by knowing what to expect from this section, you'll give yourself a great shot at getting a high score. The free-response section contains two questions:

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Of these 262,700 students, 6 students achieved a perfect score from all professors/readers on all free-response questions and correctly answered every multiple-choice question, resulting in the rare and impressive feat of earning all 150 of 150 points possible on an AP Psychology Exam.

The AP Psychology exam is one of the shortest AP exams, clocking in at just two hours, and comprises two sections. The first section features multiple-choice questions and the second section is made up of free response questions.

Once you have taken some kind of formative assessment, score it to identify the areas you already understand and those in need of improvement. It can be helpful to have a teacher or friend score your free response essays, as these are more subjective than the multiple-choice section. From an accurate practice test, you will get a better idea of where to focus your studying efforts.

Once you have your theory down, test it out by practicing multiple-choice questions. You can find these in most study guides or through online searches. You could also try taking the multiple-choice section of a practice exam. Many sample questions with answers and explanations can be found in the official course description. Varsity Tutors offer numerous free AP Psychology diagnostic tests which contain an abundance of multiple-choice questions to practice with. also provides a free 50-question practice test. Try to keep track of which concepts and vocabulary are still tripping you up, and go back over this material.

To effectively master the free response section of your AP Psychology exam, you should have a good understanding of what task verbs you will commonly encounter, and precisely what each is asking you to do. The College Board provides the following definitions for the most commonly encountered directives on this exam:

The best way to prepare for the free response prompts is to practice them and study the scoring examples provided by the College Board. The College Board has the free response questions used on the AP Psychology exam dating back to 1999 posted on their website. These authentic student responses with real scoring explanations should give you a good idea of how the free response questions are scored, and where points are commonly lost.

All AP exams will be offered online so that students can take them at home. Additionally, the exams will be shortened in length to 45 minutes and require free-response questions only for the majority of the subjects.

The AP German consultant reviews with participants the newly released classroom resources and support system available on AP Classroom, as well as the updates to the AP German Language and Culture course. During the workshop, the participants explore the components of the online classroom, which consists of personal progress checks, a question bank, units guides, and a progress dashboard. Participants will additionally learn how to develop questions for selected authentic materials better and be given ample opportunity to collaborate in small groups. For new and experienced teachers, the requirements for 2020-21 AP Course Audit/Syllabus submission requirements and updated registration process will be thoroughly reviewed. Each participant receives the updated course and exam information in a customizable binder which assist with the digital activation process to access the new resources starting August 1, 2020.

Participants will explore the AP World History: Modern course, including AP history thinking skills and disciplinary practices, thematic learning objectives, pacing, and sequencing. They will create lessons to help their students gain understanding of the course content and the skills necessary for success on the exam and in college work (with an emphasis on writing). The workshop will also explore techniques such as scaffolding and graphic organizers for preparing students new to AP classes or from underserved populations. Participants will learn and apply the most recent guidelines and rubrics for assessing student knowledge, including the AP Exam (multiple choice, short answer, and free response sections). Participants may, in addition, choose to apply their knowledge of pacing and sequencing by revising or creating a syllabus.

AP* English Language and Composition focuses on the core skills articulated by the College Board -- the application of close reading skills and developing a range of writing strategies to appeal to a variety of audiences. *Our discussions will incorporate an examination of the still-new changes related to multiple choice composition questions, the six-point essay scoring rubric, and available online resources.* In addition to becoming familiar with all facets of the AP* English Language exam, participants will also explore ways to incorporate the world as a text and gain experience in writing assignments that integrate issues relevant to the communities in which they teach. The workshop will include an experiential lesson outside of our classroom to help participants apply the skills assessed by the exam in a real world setting. Prior to the Institute, participants will be provided a mini-text set of materials to read and listen to as a foundation for our week's discussions. During the workshop participants will work with a variety of multi-modal text sets which will serve as catalysts for group discussion and can be models for their own classroom development. Significant time will be dedicated to meaningful collaboration with other participants and for the development of original free response passages and projects they may bring back to their classrooms. All participants are encouraged to bring their laptop and will receive numerous resources.

This workshop is designed for new and experienced AP Human Geography teachers. Specifically, this session will be geared towards analysis and incorporation of the New AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description for the 2020-2021 school year. Throughout the week, participants will engage in the following: syllabus/course development; covering key concepts in all seven units; developing multiple choice and free response skills including stimulus-based questions; lesson ideas; test analysis; and the use of online sources like AP classroom. Lessons will be modeled for each of the seven units. Depending on the weather, we will complete a field study off campus. Participants will gain access to a google team drive with files including powerpoints, lesson idea, website links and test prep materials for the AP exam. 2ff7e9595c

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