Permutation and combination are the ways to represent a group of objects by selecting them in a set and forming subsets. It defines the various ways to arrange a certain group of data. When we select the data or objects from a certain group, it is said to be permutations, whereas the order in which they are represented is called combination. Both concepts are very important in Mathematics.
Permutation and combination are explained here elaborately, along with the difference between them. We will discuss both the topics here with their formulas, real-life examples and solved questions. Students can also work on Permutation And Combination Worksheet to enhance their knowledge in this area along with getting tricks to solve more questions.
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The combination is a way of selecting items from a collection, such that (unlike permutations) the order of selection does not matter. In smaller cases, it is possible to count the number of combinations. Combination refers to the combination of n things taken k at a time without repetition. To refer to combinations in which repetition is allowed, the terms k-selection or k-combination with repetition are often used. Permutation and Combination Class 11 is one of the important topics which helps in scoring well in Board Exams.
Frequently Asked Questions on Permutations and CombinationsWhat do you mean by permutations and combinations?A permutation is an act of arranging objects or numbers in order.Combinations are the way of selecting objects or numbers from a group of objects or collections, in such a way that the order of the objects does not matter.
An example of permutations is the number of 2 letter words that can be formed by using the letters in a word say, GREAT; 5P_2 = 5!/(5-2)!An example of combinations is in how many combinations we can write the words using the vowels of the word GREAT; 5C_2 =5!/[2! (5-2)!]
The factorial formula is used in the calculation of permutations and combinations, which is obtained by taking the product of all numbers in the sequence (i.e., from 1 to n). For example, 3! = 3 2 1 = 6.
One can expect two to three questions from permutation combination and counting methods. It is imperative that you understand the basics of permutation and combination well so that you will be able to tackle questions from this topic. The following concepts are tested in permutation and combination in the GRE test.
If you have understood the basics of permutation and combination well, solving questions from probability becomes easy. In fact, many probability questions are a set of two permutation probability questions with the denominator being the total number of outcomes for an event and the numerator being the number of favorable outcomes. The following concepts are tested.
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