Click the Start button and check whether the rogue security software appears on the Start menu. If it's not listed there, click All Programs and scroll to find the rogue security software's name.
Kid3 does not grab nor encodeMP3 files, but it is targeted to edit the ID3 tags of all files of an albumin an efficient way, i.e. with as few mouse clicks and key strokes aspossible. Where most other programs can edit either ID3v1 or ID3v2 tags,Kid3 has full control over both versions, can convert tags between thetwo formats and has access to all ID3v2 tags. Tags of multiple files can beset to the same value, e.g. the artist, album, year and genre of all filesof an album typically have the same values and can be set together. If theinformation for the tags is contained in the file name, the tags can beautomatically set from the file name. It is also possible to set the filename according to the tags found in the file in arbitrary formats.
Key3 Click Album Software
These files have no tags yet and we want to generate them using Kid3. We useOpen (File menu or toolbar) andselect one of the files in this directory. All files will be displayed in thefile listbox. Lazy as we are, we want to use the information in the directoryand file names to generate tags. Therefore we select all files, then click theTo: Tag 1 button in the Filesection. This will set the title, artist, album and track values in all files.To set the year and genre values of all files, we keep all files selected andtype in "2002" for the Date and select "Pop" from theGenre combobox. To set only these two values, their checkboxesare automatically checked and all other checkboxes are left unchecked. Now we change theselection by only selecting the first file and we see that all tags containthe correct values. The tags of the other files can be verified too byselecting them one by one. When we are satisfied with the tags, we useSave (File menu or toolbar).Selecting Create Playlist from theFile menu will generate a fileOne Hit Wonder - Let's Tag.m3u in the directory.
Drag album artwork here is shown if the file does notcontain embedded cover art. A picture can be added using drag and drop from abrowser or file manager and will be displayed here. Picture frames can beedited or added by double clicking on this control.
Import from a server is possible using a dialog which appears whenFrom or TrackType.orgis selected. The artist and album nameto search for can be entered in the two topmost fields,the albums which match thequery will be displayed when Find is clicked and theresults from arereceived. Importing the track data for an album isdone by double-clicking the album in the list. The server to importfrom can be selected as well as the CGI path. Theimported data is displayed in the preview table of the import dialog.When satisfied with the displayed tracks, theycan be imported by terminating the import dialog withOK.
The next format, "freedb HTMLtext", can be used to copy information from an HTML page Search an album in freedband if the desired information is displayed in the web browser, copy thecontents to the clipboard. Then click the FromClipboard button and the imported tracks will be displayed in thepreview table at the top of the dialog. If you are satisfied with the importeddata, terminate the dialog with OK, which will insertthe data into the tags of the current directory. The destination(Tag 1, Tag 2 orTag 1 and Tag 2) can be selectedwith a combo box. The files in the current directory should be in the correcttrack order to get their tags assigned. This is the case if they are numbered.
The table below shows the servers which will be used when importing albuminformation using the selected profile. The import process for an album isfinished if all required information has been found, so the order of therows in the table is important. It can be changed using theMove Up and Move Down buttons.Edit can be used to change an existing entry. TheServer selection offers the same servers as can beused in the import functions. Standard Tags,Additional Tags, Cover Artdetermine the information which shall be fetched from the server. Finally,Accuracy is the minimum accuracy which must beachieved to accept the imported data. If the accuracy is insufficient, thenext server in the list will be tried. The same dialog containing the serverproperties appears when Add is clicked to add a newserver entry. Existing entries can be deleted usingRemove.
The Browse Cover Art dialog helps to find album coverart. Artist/Album is filled from the tags ifpossible. Source offers a variety of websites with albumcover art. The URL with artist and album as parameters can be found beneaththe name. URL-encoded values for artist and album can be inserted using%uartist and %ualbum, othervalues from the tags are possible too, as describedin Configure Kid3, UserActions. More sources can be entered after the entry "CustomSource" by replacing "Custom Source" with the source's name, pressing Enter,then inserting the URL and finally pressing SaveSettings. The resulting browser command is displayed at the top ofthe dialog and can be started by clicking Browse. Thebrowser, which can be configured in the settings, is started with the selectedsource. A cover image can then be dragged from the browser into the Kid3window and will be set in the picture frame of the selected files.
PGP can be used to sign or encrypt e-mail messages with the mere click of the mouse. Depending upon the version of PGP, the software uses SHA or MD5 for calculating the message hash; CAST, Triple-DES, or IDEA for encryption; and RSA or DSS/Diffie-Hellman for key exchange and digital signatures.