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Skillwheel Heroes: A Comprehensive Overview of the Skills and Requirements in Heroes V


MMH5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for HOMM5 Tribes of the East (standalone) or HOMM5 Complete. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 'visualized' Templates. The AI is much more intelligent and calculated much faster. Balance is also greatly improved both for small competitive multiplayer maps as well as crazy XXXL maps with countless epic battles vs Neutrals and AI.

Finally with great thanks to the efforts of community member ThGryphn, MMH5.5 will now include a fully-functional skillwheel with mouse-over descriptions. This was a monumental task to be completed requiring thousands of xml files and txt and icon links. The skillwheel will be similar in functionality to the TOE skillwheel made by Xazardous, but the graphics quality will be better because the engine loads the individual icons instead of having them embedded in the background textures. Skill descriptions are also greatly improved (literally hundreds of fixes), many skills have descriptions seperated in basic and advanced info for better readability. Note for example the master of ice description in the following screenshot:

Skillwheel Heroes

Skill SystemAlong with the new skillwheel will be many improvements to the skill system, we have decided the game is much better without any ultimate skills or other skills that need extra requirements. In RC8 the last ultimate skills are removed and replaced with better balanced skills that offer more tactical variety. The system is now perfectly symmetrical and much easier to use since it has no difficult to memorize requirements.

- Occultism, SP boost was OP on warlocks, now gives +1,+2,+3 and double of that if the hero has no destructive magic, instead more power can be gained from exorcism perk- Exorcism gives +2 SP and +4 if the hero has summoning magic, all in all you can make many different SP boost combos- Cultmaster: improved growth and based on knowledge not hero level.- Guardian angel renamed to divine guardians: allows to boost T7 growth by 1 for one hero max.- Elemental balance: summons elementals like shatter skill.- the amount of summoned elementals from shatter skills is not capped per hero, but capped per player (30 max per town)- Forest guardian: gives war dancers on daily basis above lvl 10- imp scavengers: easier formula.- March of golems: gives extra golems on daily basis above lvl 10- Master of life: gives resurrection spell if hero has expert light magic.- tremors: dmg increased to 120+12*SP.- defense skill shows true balanced ratings.- forge master adds 20% magic proof- Offensive/defensive formations max boost lowered to 6- Tap runes: knowledge/3- Fine rune 40% chance.- Graduate: gives more experience per hero level.- Academy award: gives more gold per hero level.- Intelligence boosts mana by 40%- Prayer doesn't give +2 Defense to necro (doesn't make sense), instead they get mass divine strength. Tip: this spell is very effective on vampire princes and skeleton warriors.- back to the void also gives +2 attack- goblin support: gives 0.5 gold per goblin and only 1 goblin per day (was too weak, but still exploitable)- Mentoring no longer gives +2 Knowledge, but now refined mana does.- chieftains get a penalty if they take empathy (just don't take it, won't affect AI)- witch hut no longer teach learning to stronghold heroes.- Hero combat is adjusted to do less damage against t1-3 and slightly less dmg to t4-5, but Critical hit improved to 50% and no restrictions on unstoppable charge.- Word of the chief is much more useful, gives more rage points and does less dmg to t1-5 (because of hero combat rebalance)

- The IMBAness of Dark Magic and the Tome of Dark Magic will be gone completely in this version. - Frenzy will become a much weaker lvl 3 spell that can only be cast on friendly units to give them a huge damage boost.- puppet master has a shorter duration modifier (0.033 per SP)- Cost of blind increased to 18.Various-Vilma & Inga swap classes & specs-Nebiros has melee specialty, his previous specialty icon is moved to barbarian skillwheel-Leadership for necro follows +2,+4,+6 pattern to match occultism-Fixed governor in garrison not adding extra creatures from artifacts.-Fixed walking speed of Duncan & Death Knights-Improved Sunlight to be more H6 like-Fixed color temperature issues with snow textures-made snow textures less hurting to eyes-all basic level buff/nerf spells have a minimum duration of 2 instead of 1-all none level buff/nerf spells have a minimum duration of 1.5 instead of 1-artifacts that can summon elementals are now knowledge dependant.-Angel wings are balanced vs other ultimate items and also give +2 Luck & morale.-nerfed armor of dragon gods gives +5, not +6 in every stat.-Horned leaper 10% +5% dmg per leaped cell (retaliation also adjusted accordingly)-Fortress T3 upgrades -2 defense (exceeded power rating)-Fixed critical issue with matewa spec-Fixed bad morale lower ATB too much-Fixed AI supply network messages in hot pursuit & in search for power

The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 visualized Templates.

The skillwheel will be similar in functionality to the TOE skillwheel made by Xazardous, but the graphics quality will be better because the engine loads the individual icons instead of having them embedded in the background textures.

by azardThis mod allows you to see skillwheel in game interface.Game version to work with: 2.1 (Hammers of Fate)Installation: You need to unrar this archive into Maps folder of the game.Download -> Mod SkillWheel in game for version 2.1 (Hammers of Fate)

by AurelainIf there's an area where Heroes of Might and Magic 5 is quite different from the previous games of the series, it's the highly dynamic skill system that should allow a lot of customization with your heroes. But with certain abilities having requirements coming from another skill, it's quite easy to get confused and waste your time on unnecessary advancement. A simple table isn't enough to explain how it works. Fortunately, Aurelain is back with the newest version of his Wheel. The Flash-based Skill Wheel not only provides the icons and the descriptions of each skill and ability, but shows what are its specific requirements.Download -> Skill Wheel version 2.1 (Hammers of Fate)

[add] Added comments for skills and hero specials[add] Added several Creature Abilities comments[add] In Game Mechanics:Spectral Dragon, Djinns and Horned Overseer added in the Creatures Spell Damage subsectionMore info about war machinesMore about in-Combat Modifiers of ATB value, like the ATB value of the summoned and cloned troops[add] New Advanced Game Mechanics section (p.204) with:More info about DispellingTriggering Creature Abilities (like Bash), more about Soldier's LuckHill Fort PricesWhirlpoolsDungeon Ritual Pit mechanism[add] New Sphinx Riddles section (p.207)[fix] Spells intro: Library only gives Dark or Destructive spells[1.3] Mana cost of many spells changed[1.3] Spell changes: Summon Creatures, Puppet Master, Meteor Shower, Fire Trap, Arcane Armor, Phantom Forces, Raise Dead, Resurrection[1.3] Skill changes: Light Magic/Master of Wrath, Dark Magic/Master of Pain, Dark Magic/Mark of the Necromancer, Training/Retaliation Strike, Gating/Mark of the Damned, Artificer/Mark of the Wizard, Warlock Luck, War Machines, Ballista, Catapult, First Aid[1.3] hero specials changes: Cavalry Commander, Iron Maiden, Swift Striker, Reanimator[1.3] Starting spells for all magic heroes[1.3] Duel Heroes balance: Eruina, Lethos[1.3] Building costs changes[1.3] More Mana for some creatures: Mage, Archmage, Pit Fiend, Pit Lord, Shadow Matriarch, Water Elemental[1.3] Other creature stats changes: Ghost/Spectres[1.3] Cities with a "war machine" specialization now have normal (1x) price for 2 types of machines - "native" and "specialized"[1.3] Catapult has unlimited ammunition now[1.3] Attackers shooting over town walls now have a 50% damage penalty[1.3] New artifact icons: Boots Of Levitation, Amulet of Necromancy

Secondary skills are beneficial qualities of heroes. There are 28 different secondary skills and each one has three levels: basic, advanced and expert. Each level increases the capability of the secondary skill making it more influential. Typically in custom scenarios heroes start with either two secondary skills at basic level or one at advanced level. Each hero can have up to eight secondary skills.

The random seed for offering skills is separate for every hero; therefore, even when reloading and levelling your heroes in different order, they will will be offered the same skills upon reaching the next level. The only option to change these is when receiving another secondary skill, e.g. from Witch Hut or Scholar.

Heroes are also guaranteed to be offered Wisdom or school of magic Earth Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Air Magic every few levels: Wisdom will be offered at level 6 for Might heroes and Elementalists, and at level 3 for Magic heroes (exept Elementalists) if it was not offered before. It will be offered again from whenever it was offered at most 6 levels later for Might heroes and Elementalists, and at most 3 levels later for Magic heroes (exept Elementalists). The same applies to one of the schools of magic every 4 levels for Might heroes and every 3 levels for Magic heroes. In HotA numbers for Elementalist class were changed to match the numbers for Magic oriented heroes. 2ff7e9595c

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